Hobby 1
“Malko’s Surreal World” represents a collection of objects stemming from a surreal world where the artists alter ego, Malko, lives. Sujin Seo created her alter ego in an attempt to escape from the expectations of the normative design discipline as well as to be free from the constraints of everyday life.‘Malko' is a 3D painter that collects images depicting situations of accidental beauty or that generate unintended associations. These then form the starting point for a process of ‘3D painting' that brings forth unfamiliar or unlikely objects.Sujin, or ‘Malko’, believes that when we are inside the box, we tend to not be able to see outside of it. Therefore it is difficult to imagine what other opportunities could exist beyond our known reality or existing frame of reference. Furthermore people often value familiarity over unfamiliarity. They usually associate strangeness with wrongness. By confronting us with her surreal designs Sujin wants us to reflect one our own frame of reference and remind us that our judgement doesn’t have to be binary (wrong or right), but that we can also choose to embrace and enjoy ambiguity.